nostalgic FiSH feeling

I’ve been working since September
on this project
time has gone strangely
fast but yet slow
The idea of this festival
was blurry and unknown
in the beginning
but in the end
everything got clear to me
I have met exciting talented,
new people who have changed me in different ways.
How was it like? I can’t really
answer that question in a meaningful way
it was the most excentric, awesome and special experience
I’ve ever had
and now it’s become an
exquisite memory in my head
with a million facets, moods and moments
This memory is far too big
at the moment for me
to be able to tell it – I guess
I need time to understand, myself
It’s been some intense months
before the festival and now,
on the other side, I feel
strangely empty and melancholic
but also clear that now
I have to move on with my life
to new adventures

and I wonder;
what awaits me?

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